martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

Adverbs of frequency

Hello dear students!

By means of the following videos you will be able to understand the use of the adverbs of frequency, watch the videos and later do the activities proposed in order to practice more this topic.

Now that you have watched the videos do the following activities proposed (non-graded);

click here to go to the activity n°1
click here to go to the activity n° 2

After doing the activities above now do the following activities;

Find the page 29 exercise 4 in the pdf text, here it is a link to the online book, solve the questionnaire that appears in that page using this online tool; click here, in order to write on Padlet you have to register, in case you don't know how to use padlet watch the following video:

So once you have followed the steps above write the answers to your questionnaire from page 29 exercise 4 on Padlet.

2nd homework:

Write your daily routine in combination with the adverbs of frequency using the online resource Padlet, write your routine with minimum 5 adverbs of frequency, once you write it on Padlet send it via google classroom.