domingo, 22 de marzo de 2020

Modal verbs

Hello Dear students

By means of the following resources you will be able to learn and practice this important topic. 

Watch the following videos about the use of the modal verbs, then do the activities proposed:


 Do the following exercise-(Ejercicios no calificables):

Now that you have watched the video and you have done the written exercise do the following activity:

Activity n°1-(Ejercicio calificable)

Write 10 sentences using the modal verbs (can, could, may, might, would) and taking into account the following situation;

you will write sentences thinking about your next vacation and the locations you will be in, then you will write sentences about the things you can do in those place, the places are the beach, a museum,  an amusement park, the grocery store, camping, churches, mountains, forest, desert, a city. Here is an example of a sentence using the above described.

example; I can play soccer with my friends at the beach.

You should write your sentences on Padlet, once you have done this give a screenshot to the activity on Padlet and send that screenshot via google classroom.

Activity n°2-(Ejercicio calificable)

Write a short paragraph using the modal verbs (can, could, may, might, would) in which you give advices to a "friend" having problems, the situations or problems you can take into account are the following; a friend that is abroad and doesn't have money to come back to your country, a friend drown in debts, a friend having a disease, a friend not having enough fun at home in his/her free time, and in general whatever situation that can be a problem, that you can think of and propose. Here is an example of the peace of writing you can make;

Hello dear friend

I know you have a difficult time now because you can't come back to Colombia because you don't have enough money, I want to give you some advices so that you know what to do, first something you can do is this; you may ask for help in the local embassy of our country, you could also work for some time in that country to make enough money as to come back although that would be illegal :(, then if that doesn't work you might ask for people's help via internet using facebook or instagram so that people chip in to make you have enough money to come back, well my friend these were the best advices I could think of to help you solve this situation. Bye!!, take care!!. 

after writing this piece of writing on Padlet send the screenshot via google classroom.

Activity n°3-(Ejercicio no calificable)

Go to the following web page clicking here and do the activities proposed on page 113 exercise 1,2 and 4, you can do these activities using Word, for doing the activity n°2 and 4 you need the audio or track, here is the link for the audio of activity n°2 ;

Here is the link for the audio of activity n°4;

Once you have completed the task send it via google classroom.