lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

Future simple with will and going to

Hello Dear students

By means of the following resources you will be able to practice this important topic.

Watch the following video about the use of the future simple, then do the activities proposed:

Do the following exercises-(Ejercicios no calificables): 

Now that you have watched the videos and you have done the written exercises do the following activity:

Activity n°1-(Ejercicio calificable)

Write 15 sentences using the future simple with will and going to, it means you can write them combined.
you need to write your 15 sentences using the following tool:
once you have done this give a screenshot to the activity on Padlet and send that screenshot via google classroom.

Activity n°2- (Ejercicio calificable)

Write a short paragraph in which you talk about your next vacations (imagined) and the things you will do, the different activities you will do and the places that you will visit, remember that you can do your piece of writing when combining both the future with will and the future with be going to.

you need to write your paragraph using the following tool:
once you have done this give a screenshot to the activity on Padlet and send that screenshot via google classroom.