lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

Comparative and superlative

Hello Dear students
By means of the following resources you will be able to practice this important topic.

Watch the following video about the use of the comparatives and superlatives, then do the activities proposed: 


Do the following exercises-(Ejercicios no calificables):  
Now that you have watched the videos and you have done the written exercises do the following activity:

Activity n°1-(Ejercicio calificable)

Write a short paragraph in which you compare and contrast three countries in different aspects; Egypt, China and Colombia. Remember to use the structures of the comparatives and superlatives. Here is a piece of example of what you can do:

Egypt is bigger than Colombia, but China is the biggest of the three countries.

you need to write your paragraph using the following tool:

Activity n°2-(Ejercicio calificable)

Go to the following web page clicking here and do the activities proposed on page 130 exercise 2 and page 131 exercises 3,4 and 5, you can do these activities using Word, for doing the activity n°2 you need the audio or track, here it is the link to it;

Once you have completed the task send it via google classroom.